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Automate the creation of your roster and save time
For your service, guards are essential but require organization. So, by adopting eBrigade, don't waste time creating your schedules and take advantage of advanced technology.
Depending on the work regime and the skills necessary for its exercise, on-call schedules are automatically filled in with one click. According to the information provided in the HR section of the eBrigade software, staff are automatically assigned to positions according to their availability. The software also takes into account the necessary skills when distributing guards to maintain an activity consistent with essential skills.
All vacant on-call positions are filled automatically by permanent staff as part-time workers.

Optimized management
A guard can be added very simply and all fields can be configured according to your needs. It is up to you to create the type of care of your choice, define the organization concerned, the location but also the possibility of attaching vehicles or providing required skills. As you will have understood, the on-call software is fully customizable.
On-calls are planned for the day, weeks and months to come. Every day, staff check whether they are committed to the on-call schedule. The schedule is intuitive and, at a glance, information is given with the on-call staff and the periods to which they are affiliated. It is possible to consult the personal file of each childcare staff (including their contact details).
In addition to today's on-call schedule, it is possible to access the on-call schedule for the weeks and months to come. This allows the organization to anticipate and have a global vision. This schedule can be hidden from staff or visible, depending on your choice.

Pool your resources even during childcare
Always in the quest for optimization and time saving, thanks to the interconnectivity of the software, vehicles can be attached to personnel occupying the guard post. It is possible to define a vehicle, teams, vehicles for teams... the organization is tailor-made. You have the possibility to designate assignments directly on eBrigade such as the driver for example according to the people engaged.
Then, replacements can be requested by one of the people on duty. This requires finding replacement staff, and then you simply accept or reject the request as you wish. This allows you to not lack staff and always have sufficient staff.
Finally, it is possible to communicate instructions to your on-call staff instantly and associate attachments with them.

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